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This is a place for the community to ask questions. We will read these once a week and respond in the FAQ Answers Thread that only staff can post in but everyone can read.

The expansion, as I take, it wont allow old nests to remain bred, meaning, we wont be able to breed an old meeroo the way it's been bred post expansion and post update, correct ?

This being the case, and "if" we can only breed unusual new meeroos with the old meeroos to obtain a particular new meeroo that isn't possible with "only" the new meeroos, doesn't this tender all the old nests, including the wines and fawns more valuable than they are being placed on the market place right now ?

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princessrose faerye's picture

ll issues

this week ive rezzed a few nests and had them gone on return to sim,, so replaced by malvey. whatever ll is doing,,sims are going back to an earlier state,?

the flip side,,sold a matched pair at market,,maybe 6 hours ago, logged off,,logged back on,,,went to put more nests out..the sold nests are back,,,plus signage etc

so,, best course of action,,,delete the nests? purge from inventry? will they still show up in my inventry..its been six hours.what about the buyer?

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The Halloween Costume idea is excellent. In fact, I expect it will set a new standard for SL breedables and all others will follow suit. I'm hearing already some negatives from other product lines, but once they see it in action, I think they'll change their minds.

One question:

The paint-job kit is No Transfer (GOOD!) .. but is the Soap included and Transfer? Or is the Soap available at the Main Shop? Or did I just miss the Soap when looking around?

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princessrose faerye's picture

pricing nests

cant find the thread now,,

but using the latest sl viewer,,, you can set the price in inventry.. click propertys on the nest,,

didnt know this,, is it a new feature,,?

there are people going #round trying to snag nests for 10l

hopefully malvey would be kind enougth o look into stolen nests? i know other breedbales do

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princessrose faerye's picture

Stack-Heap Collision

on birthing a nest

Meeroo #2107444 Meeroo [script:Database Script] Script run-time error
Stack-Heap Collision
script error

ive had blue roos before...but picked up and re rezzed seemd to fix it,,

rather than puting in a ticket.. should i re rez,,?

ive had them poof before..

anyone else had this?

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Marv Sideshow's picture

Save Blackcoat

I was so sad to see that Blackcoat is only ever going to be frozen forever on a broom. So i think everyone should get together and beg Malevoy to release him from his frozen chains.

"Save Blackcoat Petition" hehe :D

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Juliah Bliss's picture



I wonder where I can turn to get support?
Everytime I try to confirm and connect my account with SL, I get following message:
"Your forum account cannot be linked to your Second Life account at this time."

I also have problem to see pictures and other links people send me about the Meeroos, because of this.

If anyone please can help me I would be most grateful. :)

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Eli Schlegal's picture


Catherine can you please let us know if you are aware of, and working on the food issue that has been reported in this thread

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Vampiriclust's picture


I put my Meeroo nests out in a kieosk yesterday morning to sell and I guess they did a region restart (not the owner of the sim) and when we came back to the sim my Roos where gone and they are no where to be found in my inventory.

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I read the Malevay Studios official Statement in Answers on the new EULA. All seemed perfectly ordinary and uneventful until I read - "next update with some new content".

I am sure all will be waiting with excitement to see what it will be. From earlier statements it doesn't appear it will be Chapter 2, but I am sure it will grow the game and lead to lots of guessing as to what it can be.

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