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General Meeroos

Chiiirp! Birrrt! Purrrrrrrr!

Eboni Khan's picture

Curly Tail Meeroos

How many curly tail meeroos are there right now?

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I can't find the post, read it on my wife's computer.

To #7) add ..

Be sure both partners are in the same Fellowship, or neither in set to Fellowship.

General response:

That's a good list you have there and it's certain going to help. You should make a link to it on the Main page as well as on the Submit page.

My response: make sure your CSRs actually check the ticket. It's NOT GOOD to claim the information was not presented when it was.

And questions:

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sei galewind's picture

store item question

does anybody no if rl meeroos plushies will be made and sold at the store on this site becouse i would love 2 get a plushie meeroo

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Hello Rider,

Been lurking for a while and I have a question for you. I've implemented pit breeding for my roos and am wondering if they will actually mate with roos on other stumps or only with the roos at their stump. So far I've gotten about eight nests but all have been with stumpmates for parents.

I just need a bit of reassurance that I'm not wasting breeding opportunity by having a odd man out on a stump. Will he seek out a willing girl from another stump when his time comes to lay a nest?

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i had my meeroos accidentally returned but second life ate them, i had 6 and 4 nests, i dont know how to submit a ticket to get them back, please help.

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Hi everyone have anyone had a meeroo released without you releaseing it after being boot'ed from sl. I was holding my meeroo when sl booted me. When I logged back in I got the message The Second Life Asset server created a duplicate Meeroo. This extra one is being released to the wild. This prob need's to be sort'ed or a lot more people are going to have the same prob I have now P.S this is 2nd time this has happen'ed to me I have filled a ticket hope the same CSR can help me again. :(

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Tad Carlucci's picture

"Good Job" CSRs !!!

All through elementary school you lost at soccer, that was a "Good Job"!

You dropped out of college, and that was a "Good Job"!

You took the better part of a week responding to several tickets from my wife. And when you did, it was to tell her that she'd forgotten to enter the ID # or tell you the SLURL where the nests are located. To that, I say, "Good Job!"

Want a HINT on how to do a better job? On the right hand of your screen is this tall, narrow thing with an up-arrow at the top and a down-arrow at the bottom is what we call a "scroll bar".

Watch carefully.

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Ok, lets start for a change an easy topic to bring some other talk to this forum.

So what is your current favorite Meeroo? How does/would it look like, consdiering only the current discovered traits.

My perfect Meeroo would be an average/large sized red coat with clear umbra eyes; hair, head, tail and ears just simply normal.
(I call it my Phoenix Meeroo, still working on it to breed it *smile*)

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Since the time dilation problem seems to have been fixed by LL - no longer getting those messages, the roos themselves are still not quite right. They don't seem to be able to catch up with their own actions fast enough, leaving what often looks like mutant roos.. body parts all shuffled about in a very disorderly fashion. I am assuming we are not the only ones afflicted by this, and was wondering if anyone had spoken to LL about it, if they are going to do a further fix on the affected sims, or if we need to take any action ourselves.

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What's your opinion;

1) Meeroos are worth more in a nest un-coaxed?
2) Meeroos are worth more Coaxed?


1) Should the SL market prices have some representation of what a nest should be priced at when sold privately or through auction houses?


2) Do you think selling at auction houses and private parties will always bring the bigger dollar?


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