I've been reading a lot of posts lately, trying to just quietly observe rather than state my opinion and now I think I've seen a fair enough amount of information where I can at least pose a question.
Was this designed to be a thought provoking semi educational game with the intent of bringing folks together with a common interest while using/teaching natural biology at the same time? Or is Malevey Studios really some organization working on a social experiment to monitor and record the reactions and interactions of the individual, trying to devise whether the average person Is more likely to go chasing after the All Mighty Dollar, or actually work towards a goal which in this case I'll just call "greater meeroo knowledge".
I know there are others that could probably articulate that intro better than I have but it's just something that I have been wondering about lately. I greatly enjoy meeroos, all aspects of them really, and as I see the posts and information we are given to help us out I see that this actually requires a decent amount of thought if you are to "win the game". With that said I see the increasing number of people that just want to "win" and sell off their "rare" creations. I'm not saying this to anyone in particular just giving something to think about but should there really be so many people just jumping in head first without checking on anything other than "they're cute"? I read everything I could get my mitts on before I purchased my first roos. I scoured the website, googled meeroo, asked what I could of my friends that participated in the beta and then after I felt confident about what I was getting myself into I jumped in. But /so many/ people get involved and then gripe about what's not right and how this wasn't like the rest of the "plug'n play" breedables they've encountered before. No, I do not feel that we should be spoon fed information. We have been given the basic building blocks of what we need to be successful. No, I do not agree with the rantings that occur when one person gets a question answered by the meeroo powers that be. It was just their turn in line nuff said. And to watch the chaos that ensues over this is rather discouraging, and I don't mean in the product I mean in the community itself. We've become so fat and happy with being given what we want when we want it we cannot even enjoy a game without it being played for us. I had hopes of this being an adventure, and on a personal level it still is -I now have 8 matched breeding pairs, ranging from gen2-gen4 just waiting to see what comes of it- but I'd hoped that this would be something where people would work together, in a civil, respectable, adult manner; not fly off the handle at one another, call names, be rude and everything else I've seen. And personal attacks...really?!? Over pixilated, make-believe animals? Are you serious!? I've always been the type to help someone that needs it. I LOVE to help when I know I can and so I do it. But it makes me not even want to take part when grown men and women start acting like bickering little brats that can't have their cookies, or don't want to share their toys over this. I guess I sort of fell off track here but really Meeroo Community. A lot of y'all need to grow the @$*& up, and act like the mature individuals I know you all are on the other side of the screen. The interwebs is no excuse to act like a complete douche.
That is all,