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Food Isue/Starving

Trask Arabello's picture

When i came online today my stump of autumn roos that were eating from my partners bowl of food that had been set to fellowship yesterday were Starving!! The food bowl was no longer on fellowship and it had been changed back to fellowship 3 seperate times and still went back to owner only. I won't completely rule out user error or lag. has this happened to others?
Beyond that, even if user error was the factor, a day!! They starve in a day?? Luckily we caught it as they were packing their lil hobo kits and were able to fix the issue. but at point percentage does it start reading starving. How long do we have ill they run off? If its a day, like I believe these were, maybe less, maybe more this is unacceptable. Especially as there is still no whistle to call them back. If that was available, I'd simply say ok, no harm no foul, sigh and buy a whistle. But it isn't. If they had ran away my only recourse would be to either loose a stump of 6 autumns/reds (about a 30K investment) or make a ticket and hope the company didn't tell me starved roos run away, you were told that at the start. Not our issue. And as that is seeming to be the tact of open your trunk wrong, buy contents instead of nest posts, I think this is what I would be told. Without a whistle available, how can they determine what was intentional starving and what was accidental? That would rely on this issue not being uniformly applied. We know this will only cause problems. So were forced to look at another issue that should have been addressed during beta rearing its furry lil head.
I hope to hear the whistle is released quickly. I further hope to hear that I am mistaken in how long it takes for them to run away. This issue needs clarification. if someone is willing to send a roo to a cruel friend that wont feed it so that their entire herd doesn't starve and poof at once and that friend can watch and see what time the poor roo runs off would be the only way to test this, so no, I can't say with certainty what time period it takes and would prefer the company to actually not make us discover at least this one issue ourselves.

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