I have a question for The Powers That Be: when a meeroos live or nest goes poof and we file a ticket for a replacement, why is it that the replacement can only be a live? If a nest went poof, why can we not get a nest as replacement?
For example, there are cases, such as what happened to me, where I lost a nest that I wanted to save till I got an appropriate mate, to then birth the two together. I filed a ticket and a (very friendly and helpful) CSR got back to me, but informed me that there was no way to replace the nest; all that could be done was to give me a live meeroo. At the time, I had no use for it ... or better, no meeroo to pair it with.
If other breedables can replaces lives *and* nests, why is that not possible here?
And on a tangent, why are lives replaced with lives that are not at full comfort? Rabbits, for example, were always replaced with equivalents, with all stats at max.