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Should I file a new ticket?

RylethTrallis's picture

When the server went down I was in the middle of rearranging my roos to new stumps. The first 24 that I put down are fine and all accounted for. The last 24 are all gone. ( Which unfortunately included 8 of my favorites... 2 of those 8 being my first two )

As soon as I noticed the error messages coming up ( after the first three ) I immediately opened the website and started filing a ticket. But I had a moment of panic and wasn't as coherent as I could be while filling out the form.

In the initial ticket, I did not include any meeroo ID numbers and it was more of a frantic, " My meeroos have vanished while I was reorganizing them and I'm not entirely sure which ones are gone! "

After the fact, when I had a chance to clear my head and come back to evaluate the damages, I went through and carefully collected all of their ID numbers from the list attached to my member ID on the site. I compared that list to the remaining roos and my roo-list that I had been keeping on a separate blog that I was using to track them.

I went back and updated my ticket to make sure that all of the ID numbers were attached to it. ( It didn't post in a neat list of ID numbers and cut off at some point in the text, so I tried reposting it to make it neater )

I tried to get a sense of how long the wait would be and realized that there would be a flood of tickets coming in for the same issue that I was facing, and expected that it would take at least 24 hours for a response.

However... several people have said that they've already had their roos returned to them... even though... we had the same issue and they filed after me. Several *hours* and even half a day after I did.

I asked them all several different questions:

1. When did you file your ticket?
2. Was that SLT time or your local time?
3. Did you assign to a specific CSR or first available?
4. Did you include all your information up front?

The only difference so far is that they included all their ID numbers upfront and had less roos MIA than I did. Most of the ones I spoke to only had between two to six roos missing.

Should I file a new ticket and include all of the ID numbers in the initial ticket? Is there a limit to how many roos that I can have returned to me?

I'm not sure if updating my ticket or having been unclear in the initial ticket has created an obstacle towards my roos coming home.

It's not the waiting that I can't handle, it's the waiting with no sense of when the wait will be over.

I'm hearing all sorts of estimates and theories:

1. They'll get to you in 24 hours
2. It'll take between two to four days
3. I got my roos back in a few hours.
4. I filed a week ago ( about a different issue) and they never responded.

On Friday night 'object can not rez' ate one of my roos. I filed a ticket and late on Saturday it was returned... only to disappear on Sunday night.

Since I had previously just had a ticket resolved the day before the server crash, does that cause another obstacle for my new ticket to be resolved? Meaning, since I had recently been helped for another issue... would my new ticket get bumped to the end because I had just been helped the day before?

Mostly I'm rambling and trying to figure out if I should do anything... I think in my mind right now if I filed a new ticket with all the proper information up front I will at least know that I filed my ticket correctly...

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm bitching. That is not my intent. I'm just trying to get another voice on the subject so that I don't drive myself crazy trying to figure out what I should do, or if I should just walk away for a few days and not think about it at all.

I'm a little afraid to just walk away for a few days because it isn't clear whether or not the roos will be returned if I'm not available. I've been told several different things about that too.

I've heard:

1. If you're offline, the CSR will return the roos anyway and leave a message.
2. If you're offline, you get skipped and will have to wait until they come back to you ( if they come back to you at all )
3. If you're offline, the CSR will bring back the roos but if their original stumps aren't available, they run away.
4. If you're offline, the CSR will leave you a message letting you know that you've been skipped and then you'll have to try and contact them when you get back.

They're not expensive or rare roos. They're just my roos and I miss them.

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