ok high everyone again -waves frantic with her budding brew of Roos .. ok a couple of questions
1. I am very bad with measurements for the range on the little houses .. how can i figure out exactly how far a meeroo goes is there a tool i can use to do the measurements ? thsi way i can adjust there range according to where i would like them to roam ?
2. how do u know if exactly if one roo likes another ? do u just pair to that are in season and wait to see what happens ?
3. Is there a way to earn more regards for yourself a bit more faster ?
4. is there a handy dandy beginners manual? you know for the slow and weird like me. i am just going with my heart and see what happens.
5.About fellowships .. what would be the best way to figure out the good ones from the ones just trying to get more members for the heck of it .. i have seen some but they only want people with level 25 which makes it hard for us newbies :)
Might have more questions later as time goes by .. but i will start a new topic or right them down and put them all together :)
Thank you for the responses ahead of time :) oh and if anyone wants to pet my roos shoot me a im my SL name is the same as the group :)