I wanted to take a moment and Discuss the Term "Value" as I am seeing it being used in great amounts lately in both private and forums discussions.
Value is a term that we as the consumer use to define it's worth in both terms of monetary value and physcial value.
However value is determined by more than just a number or what one individual believes an item to be worth.
Value it'self as it pertains to us is actually broken down into sub catergories. Those subcategories allow us to further define and understand both the "Value" and "Market Price" of an item.
True Value - True value is the value of an item when a valid sale or trade is performed.
Percieved Value - Percieved value is the value of an item as seen by the seller and or 3rd party.
Market Price - Market price is a total combined average of both "True Value" and "Percieved Value" Though it is grossly a result of True Value , Both types of value have roles in determing Market Price.
As stated the True value of an item is it's value when a valid sale or trade take place. This is a verfiable monetary value that can be associated with a given item. However, This is not the only type of value considered when a Market price is determined for an item. You must also consider the "Percieved Value" which is the value the seller or other 3rd party set for an item. This type of value is quite fluid as once a valid sale takes place it can then be considered "True Value"
To break it down a little further and step away from terminology and definations let's describe a scenario.
Johnny is looking to buy a bag of Apples. Both Mark and Juliet Own Apple Stands And Sell Bags Of Apples.
Johnny Browses Both Mark And Juliet's Apples And Purchases A Bag Of Apples From Mark Because They Are Of Lower Price Then Juliet's.
The True Value is the total monetary Value of the Valid Sale Between Mark And Johnny.
The Percieved Value is the Price of Juliet's Bag Of Apples That Johnny Did Not Buy.
Does this mean that the value of the bag of apples is the lowest cost? No
In order to come to a more accurate determination of Value you must take the average of all vaid sales and no sales. You must also consider supply and demand. Each of those factors combined give us the term "Market Price"
Market price is the current average of all prices considered.
As prices constantly fluctuate you will find both prices higher and lower than the determined "Market Price"
Market price is only to be used as a factor in your sales , trades and or purchases. It is constantly changing and never static.
I realize that although I have attempted to define this as throughly as possible in as little room as possible some may still find themselves questioning what this all means.
To break it down further:
Just because a Meeroo sells for $80,000L does not mean that is it's Market Price. That same Meeroo may sell for $50,000L The day before or $125,000L the day after. Yes it is a valid sale but inorder to determine a True Value or Market price you must take the average monetary amount of those sales within a defined time period.
Supply and demand is an everchanging "Liquid" aspect and will have a heavy role is determing Value and Market Price.
So remember,
Just because 1 of 10 Meeroo's sold for $50,000L it does not mean the resulting 9 are worth that as well.
The final sale price as determined by the Buyer when a valid sale is made is what will help determine the value you seek.