I just really can't stand when someone uses alts/bots at a slow market to pump up the traffic count which affects where they are on the listings. It makes them look popular when in fact they are not.
It's just deceptive.
As a renter it decieves you to think that there is a higher traffic count moving through there than there actually is. So you fork over your money on that premise and you get no actual traffic, only bots/alts to keep your breedables company..bots/alts that don't buy.
So now you've wasted your money on what is basically a lie perpetrated by the market owner. Not only that but if a market owner is willing to be deceptive in that area, can you really trust them not to be deceptive in other things such as bid boards and auctions? Will they attempt to rig other things to their benefit at the expense of other people as well?
This came up because I was looking for a market location and as I went around I saw several such setups where the market was only being held up in the listings by the alts/bots and had no real merit on it's own.
As a person that is looking to rent a location I looked at the listing to see who ranked higher up, then I looked at the market once I got there. Then I pulled up the mini map and noted how many people appeared to be on sim. Then I pulled up my radar (I use phoenix) and reviewed the info on the people there. Often the bots/alts are very young and they don't move around like normal buyers/sellers. Often but not always, they are clustered on a sky platform.
There seems to be alot of this going on and LL has rules about these things and using bots to artificially increase traffic is prohibited...period.
Be really careful when going out there to choose a sale location and check everything out. If something seems like it's not right, theres probably something going on. If it is near the top of the listings honestly you're going to see more than one or two buyers moving around as they browse, there is going to be significant activity that you can see going on around you.
Nothing irks me more than a liar and deception and I thought I ought to put this out there to remind people to be careful and check things out carefully.