Alrighty, and before anyone thinks Im complaining, Im not... :D
I was messing with my roos,switching em around. And the treasure notice (not the one from treasure finders, but the one that the roos tell you they are digging) came up along with the sound. In the same instant I went to find it, I get another msg saying that I was to late to get it. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Im not totally bummed bout it atm, cause it was just a "junk" treasure. Though I would have been a lil annoyed had it been like a nessy tooth or something that I havnt gotten yet. Heres the text for it:
[08:28] Broken Pipe: Your Meeroo is digging and seems to have found something!
[08:28] Broken Pipe: Sorry, time's up! You were too late to find this collectable!!