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Improving chances is a dangerous game

Angelina Sinclair's picture

Today on the blog post I see Catherine mentioning that they changed a few things. The one thing that caught my attention was this:

"We have significantly increased the bonus regard rewards a player and a meeroo that allows it the chance to reach further back in their genetic timeline."

Now I'm sure many are raising thier arms and cheering at this wonderful news too. I would be as well IF I hadn't seen this happen with another breedable in the past.

For those who did Petable turtles, there was a time when they were releasing cosmic turtles. The earth turtle was the first of these kind and rather difficult to produce.

Because of this, those earth turtle were rather expensive. After 2 weeks the creators of Petable turtles felt it neccessary to up the chances for everyone. In the following week all the earth turtles took a significant hit in value.

That is my fear.

Now I hope that the creators of the meeroos didn't do a huge of a jump as they suggested because truly you don't know how that is going to play out in SL. If in two weeks because of this "significant bonus boost" We see more kois and niles than ever before and we see the market being flooded with what was considered high end meeroos.

There will be some heavy backlash from having given such a bonus. What's worse is that when such a backlash happens there is no fixing it. There is no saving the prices for such high end meeroos. Even if they reduce the bonus, the damage is done. Prices won't go back up, no matter what.

Now I'm sure there's plenty here who might not care about the secondary market, and that's fine and dandy, you don't need to post here about your dislike about them and hijack my thread.

As for everyone else...Go speak to the creator of Petable turtles and let him tell you how bad things got when the secondary market bottomed out. Go talk to those in who made Ozimal bunnies about the secondary market and what happened there. We all know the Ozimal story at the very least. We all are seeing what is happening with the horse market. It's only a matter of time before they collapse too.

To those who don't know when the secondary market crashes, people leave and the creators take a huge finanical hit. As they say, don't bite the hand that feeds you. This significant bonus if too much can just do that.

No matter of how much in house testing, guess work, data analysing, etc. That anyone does you can never truly know the full impact until it goes live. The lindens can tell you that themselves as they are constantly trying to prevent problems with their own in house testing. Yet fuck up every time!

I just hope the higher ups in the meeroo world take the time to read this and deeply consider if what they did with the bonus increase, isn't too high but yet isn't too low. Such things should be gradually turned up until you reach the level you like. A huge jump is extremely dangerous.

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