I think the very structure of the forum has greatly contributed to the *perception* that the company doesn't respond much or often.
Their comments get buried. They're easily overlooked if you don't even remember what thread's you've posted in or if you don't go back and re-read every one else's...every time.
This is an incredibly active forum and IIRC Tiger encouraged folks not to dig up an older thread but to just simply start a new one. I think that's a big "no no" in most forums because it opens the door wide open for folks to become repetitive, which is frustrating for everyone right out the gate. I think there's like an unseen acceptable limit to very old posts being left in the dust, but folks were dropping a thread to start yet a new and similar one if one even landed on page 2. Ack! LOL
We don't get alerts, can't subscribe to threads, etc etc. There's not even a "dot" on a thread to indicate one we ourselves have been involved in, and certainly no way to know an MSer has been in a thread without having to dive back in and read and scroll through the whole thing (again).
I can see why MS feels like they've been communicative til they're blue in the face, but I can also still feel why folks don't feel answered. I think MS has seriously been UNDERutilizing their own blogspace while us wee folk would often spend hours in the forums going posting heavily and inadvertently making MS go pretty unheard.
The forum format is archaic, primitive, and clunky; and just lends itself to escalating misperceptions by both sides in its sheer construction.
I think this layout, above all else, has caused the perceived communication breakdowns and fanned the flames of frustration by both sides. I really don't think the company or most of the posters in here are grumpy, hard-headed, or malicious by nature.
People have been communicating back and forth...they simply don't even know it.