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How to reckognise a duplicate nest?

Tigo Volare's picture

I have a small shop in our (full) sim where my wife and I sell our nests. We keep the lag down as much as possible by taking out all the scripts from buildings, clothes and signs. Our sim is usually at 2 Ms and we never have any problems with sim crashes.
Yesterday one of my nests was sold and coaxed, and today someone bought the same nest! How that happened, I have no clue. The second buyer IMed me and told me his nest was already coaxed, and he got a message saying this must be a duplicate nest. Of course I payed him his money back right away, but I would like to know if there is any way that I could have seen this was a duplicate nest before he bought it? Somehow, after the first nest was sold, it got miraculously or instantly replaced. For the record, the nest info showed up completely normal, the Hud responded just as always. If I had known this might be a duplicate, I would have taken it from the shelves of my shop, I would really dislike being accused of scamming, even if it was "just" a 900 L$ nest.

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